time we would like to return to the vivarium with which we opened this row in
April. Indeed a beautiful aquarium interior and a first acquaintance with the
aquariumartist, as they are called in America, A. Reulen from Kerkrade. As a reaction
on it we got quite a lot of responses of people who thought the information very
summary. We can agree with that wholehearted. That was a little the consequence
of the fact that we liked to start soon. At this moment we return to this vivarium
with two full pages.

The inset above on the left
has a clear suggestion of how the aquarium has gained a place in the residence
of the family Reulen. They used a embrasure next to the left of the Staircase.
PVC pipes were integrated in the floor so that the hoses for the filtering could
be taken underneath the staircase. The biological filter and the the swichgear
are put away safe in a cupboard on the right under the staircase. For the rest
it loans to look once more on the big picture. The vertical Apenogeton ulvaceus
in the center is a significant contrast with the horizontal Nymphea spec.
If you don't know, you don't notice, but it are two plants, both differing in
color a little. In that way there came an extra dimension into being. That is
also the case with the Nymphea. Two plants intermingled. Only the two hind leaves
of the back plant are not taken away in order to strengthen the contrast with
the dark fossil wood. This brings the plant free from the wall, which enlarges
the suggestion of depth