The A1-aquarium of H. Veenstra in St.- Pancras (national champion 1993)
1993 already is a considerable time ago. The shots hereby show obviously that the crackers of the past are timeless. A design having atmosphere with contrasts and differences in height and a open eye for strong points (the golden section).
The point of attention here is a Nympha lotus with the leaves beautifully in layers above each other, combined with a vertical peace of fossil wood out of the peak

Plan of the aquarium:

List of plants....................................................fishes

  1. Ceratophyllum demersum (Common Hornworthoornblad)....Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma       8 stuks
  2. Anubias nana......................................Nannostomus marginatus             10 stuks
  3. Ludwigia natans x arcuata....................Epiplatys sexfasciatus togolensis    8 stuks
  4. Hottonia inflata...................................Corydoras habrosus                        8 stuks
  5. Cryptocoryne bullosa...........................Trichogaster leeri ..                         koppel
  6. Vesicularia dubyana
  7. Micranthemum umbrosum
  8. Nymphea spec.
  9. Lilaeopsis navae- zelandiae
  10. Microsorium pteropus
  11. Bolbitis heudelottii
  12. Cryptocoryne petchii
  13. Riccia fluitans
  14. Heteranthera zosterifolia

